Tuesday, 19 July 2011

New Plan; 2 days to go.

I decided to postpone the trip by a month so as to be less rushed between the end of term and setting off. My new date of departure is Thursday 21st July - in days time!!

So I'll be setting off from Prince's Gate, Halifax, at 9:00 am, with 120km to do before reaching my ferry in Hull.

Since I have more time than originally planned, I've decided to change my route, and will now be following the Rhine almost all of the way from Rotterdam to Heidelberg (though the last few km are actually on the Neckar, not the Rhine). There's a nice looking EU-funded bike route all of the way along it, so this way should be safer and more enjoyable than my original plan. Also, it's a good 150km further!!

My plan is to get to an internet cafe most days of the journey and update this blog with my progress. I've got a new camera so there should be some pretty pictures to accompany my travelog.

Feeling a little nervous with so little time to go before setting off but I'm always game for a challenge! Just hoping for that the Easterly wind forecast for Thursday isn't too strong. Just a few more preparations to do and maybe a bit of carb-loading and then I'm on my way. Will aim to put up a picture of my bike when I'm fully loaded (I'm aiming to take <7kg of stuff).

Wish me luck!

ps. keep donating, it's not too late. http://www.charitygiving.co.uk/jameshutton
also if you share the link to this blog then you are guaranteed a postcard :¬]

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